Happy Valentines Day to everyone and especially to the love of my life, Stephen! I just love Valentines Day and although we will not be together this lovely holiday, we can always count on Skype. I look forward to skyping with my hubby daily, sometimes twice a day! We are so fortunate unlike some of his buddies in his company who do not have access to a computer as much as he does. I feel so bad that they can't talk to their loved ones daily. It makes me feel so blessed to be able to communicate so often with him. Now having the Internet be reliable over in Afghanistan is another matter. Beggars can't be choosers now can we and I will gladly take an occasional Internet malfunction any day rather than no contact at all for days or even weeks. He tells me all the time that all he looks forward to is talking to me daily. Yes, hubby and I will still be celebrating "V" Day with the help of technology by video chat. Of course it is definitely not the same as having him here with me, but at least I can see and hear him.
It is kind of ironic how we rely on the computer for communication when that is how our relationship rekindled. See, hubby and I went to the same high school. He was a senior and I was a sophomore, but we really didn't know each other. We just knew each other by seeing each other in the hallways walking to and from class. I was always attracted to my hubby when I first laid eyes on him in high school, but I really didn't date in high school. I was kind of a nerd I guess you could say lol. I have a thing for guys who wear glasses. So sexy! Anyways, it turns out that he had a thing for me too! Well, fast forward 10 years later...
We had went our separate ways. I moved to another town two hours away and started dating someone else for 8 years. I always knew it wasn't going to work out but didn't have the heart to break it off. Steve contacted me through
http://www.classmates.com/ and he simply said he remembered me from high school. Boy was I surprised. We started chatting online for a few months. It was just friendly conversation because I was still in a relationship. But then... I started to grow feelings towards him as he did with me and I knew I had to end my current relationship. I always knew the relationship wasn't going to work with my ex and my only regret was to not to end it sooner. We learn from our mistakes. After talking for a few months, I finally decided to drive back to his town and meet up for a date at his place. I was running an hour and a half late! I had a terrible cold that night as well, but I wanted to meet up with him so badly and he didn't mind not one bit. We spent hours talking and reconnecting again. He even made me chicken noodle soup, but he had forgotten it was on the stove and it boiled over and made a huge mess. I wasn't hungry anyways. I always tell him the night was like magic. It was everything that I hoped it would be and everything that I wanted it to be. Grant it, the next week when I saw him again, he had caught my cold. LOL I always tell him, you can't say I never gave you anything and he simply said your heart is enough.

This photo was taken that very same night we met up again. He was showing me his office late at night and he happened to go next door to ask the owner of an Italian restaurant to take our photo. I am so thankful he did that because this is the only photo we had of that night.

Fast forward 5 more years... and we are finally husband and wife! This is the day I married my best friend, the love of my life, and my rock. I do not know where I would be without him in my life. We are like ying and yang. True opposites, but the relationship works for us. I truly feel we complete each other because we are so different, just like a puzzle. I wish we could have seen more of each other these past two years. With him being in the Army, getting stationed somewhere else, and then me finishing up college in Florida, and then him getting deployed, we just haven't been able to see much of each other. Because of the distance, we have learned to value the time we do spend with each other because you never know when it will be taken away. you realize how important you are to one another which makes the time you spend together even more special. So... on this Valentines Day... hug and kiss your loved one and make the most of it! I know I will when hubby and I are together again this summer!

As for the recipe... what is Valentines Day without chocolate? I found this recipe on the recipe board and knew it would be perfect for my Valentines treat! Fudge Balls! Yum, Yum, Yum! The recipe states to reserve 2 tbsp of the chocolate shake mix, but my balls didn't use but half of that. So I had to make a little shake with the rest of it because I didn't want it to go to waste. These suckers turned out really good! Who says you can't have chocolate on a diet?! Again, Happy Valentines Day to you all!
Medifast Fudge Balls
1 MF Chocolate Shake, divided (1 Fueling)
1 MF Chocolate Pudding (1 Fueling)
1 tbsp Walden Farms caramel or chocolate syrup (1/2 condiment)
1 tbsp PB2 (1/2 snack)
Little less than 1/2 cup water
Reserve 2 tbsp chocolate shake mix and set aside. Combine the rest of the chocolate shake mix, pudding mix, caramel or chocolate syrup, and PB2 in a small bowl. Slowly add a little less than 1/2 cup of water so that the mixture is still firm enough to shape into balls. Form balls from the mixture. Roll the balls into reserved shake mix. Refrigerate until firm about 30 minutes.
2 Servings with 1 Fueling, 1/4 Condiment and 1/4 Snack per Serving