Sandy's Kitchen: mchicken

Showing posts with label mchicken. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mchicken. Show all posts
I used to make this chicken before Medifast and loved the flavor of it. It gave the chicken a very nice subtle sweet and citrusy flavor. Well, I wanted to try it again while remaining on plan. How am I going to do that you ask? Well, Walden Farms of course! I had just bought a bunch of items from Walden Farms and two of the items were the ingredients I needed to make this dish: maple syrup or pancake syrup and orange marmalade. So I was in business! This chicken had a very good flavor and it was very moist. I thought I would have a slight after taste, as I usually do with all sugar free products made with splenda, but it wasn't really apparent in this dish, despite the amount of Walden Farms products I used. It could be because of the added balsamic vinegar and Dijon mustard. If you are craving a slightly sweet type of meat, then this is a great dish for you. I am extremely pleased at how this chicken came out and it will definitely add variety to my menu. Thanks to Walden Farms, I can still have something I used to like to eat before Medifast.

Maple Orange Glazed Chicken

18 oz raw boneless, skinless chicken breasts - should yield 12 oz cooked (2 Lean)
2 tbsp Walden Farms Maple Syrup (1 condiment)
1 tablespoon Walden Farms Orange Marmalade (1 condiment)
2 teaspoons Balsamic Vinegar (2 condiments)
1 teaspoon Dijon Mustard (1 condiment)
1 teaspoon Basil (1 condiment)
2 teaspoons Olive Oil (2 Healthy Fats)

Heat olive oil in a nonstick skillet over medium high heat. When hot, add chicken. Brown chicken until opaque throughout and fully cooked. Transfer to a warm platter.
Discard oil in pan and place over medium heat. Add maple syrup, which will bubble. Stir in marmalade, balsamic vinegar, Dijon mustard and basil. Boil until sauce thickens, about 1 minute.
Pour sauce over chicken. Toss chicken with sauce until completely coated.

2 Servings with 1 Lean, 3 Condiments, and 1 Healthy Fat per Serving

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I thought this soup would be a good base for taco soup with an addition of taco seasoning, cumin, chili powder and garlic powder. I also wanted to incorporate another type of veggie besides just tomatoes so I added cabbage. I have always liked cabbage mixed in my soups. Yummy. I think chopped zucchini would work well in this soup as well. If you would just like to stick with tomatoes that is fine too. 

And... what's taco soup without cheese?! So I had to add the Mexican Cheese. You do not have to add the cheese but if you don't, remember to increase your lean to the correct amount. It tastes just as good without the cheese! This soup has just the right amount of kick and it is perfect for a cold winter day. I usually make 4 servings at a time and put them in freezeable containers and freeze them. When I know I want one for dinner, I just place the container in the fridge the night before so it is almost defrosted by dinner time. Then heat it up in the microwave. For another variation: use lean ground beef with beef broth instead of chicken and chicken broth. I hope you enjoy it as much as my family and I!

Crock Pot Chicken Taco Soup

2 cups reduced sodium chicken broth (2 Condiments)
2 cups water
1 can (10 ounces) rotel diced tomatoes with green chilies (2 1/2 Greens)
1 tsp taco seasoning (2 Condiments)
½ tsp cumin (½ Condiment)
¼ tsp chili powder (½ Condiment)
½ tsp garlic powder (1 Condiment)
12 oz raw chicken breasts ~ yields 9 oz cooked (1 ½ lean)
¾ cups cabbage, chopped (3 ½ greens)

2 oz Kraft 2% Mexican Cheese ~ ¼ cup per bowl (½ lean)
4 tbsp sour cream ~ 2 tbsp per bowl (2 Healthy Fats)
Fresh cilantro ~ optional

Combine chicken broth, water, diced tomatoes, taco seasoning, cumin, chili powder, garlic powder, cabbage and chicken in a crock pot. Cook on low for 6 to 8 hours or on high 3 to 4 hours. Shred chicken breasts in crock pot before serving. Divide soup into bowls and top each bowl with ¼ cup cheese and 2 tbsp sour cream. Garnish with cilantro if desired.

Makes 2 Servings
Each serving provides
1 Lean, 3 Greens, 3 Condiments, and 1 Healthy Fat

* If you do not want cheese, use 16 oz raw chicken breasts which should yield 12 oz cooked.
This recipe is from the new Medifast Lean and Green Meal Cookbook for sale on Medifast's website. There are a lot of great recipes in this book and I highly recommend it even if you aren't on the plan. I just wish it had more recipes in the book. This recipe is very easy to make and most of the ingredients were already in my fridge. The end result of the dish had a mild lime flavor mixed with the slight crunchiness of the broccoli and peppers. Very tasty! 

Tropical Chicken Medley
Medifast Lean and Green Meal Cookbook

8 oz raw, boneless, skinless chicken strips ~ should yield 6 oz cooked (1 Leaner Lean)
1/2 cup raw broccoli, chopped (1 Green)
1/2 cup red bell pepper, chopped (1 Green)
1/2 cup yellow bell pepper, chopped (1 Green)
2 tbsp Newman's Own Lighten Up Light Lime Vinaigrette (1 Healthy Fat)
1/2 tsp onion powder (1 Condiment)
1/4 tsp garlic powder (1/2 Condiment)
1/2 tsp Mrs. Dash Garlic and Herb Seasoning Blend (1 Condiment)
Non-stick Cooking Spray

Coat chicken strips with vinaigrette. Sprinkle Mrs. Dash seasoning, onion powder, and garlic powder on chicken strips. Let marinate for at least 1 to 2 hours.
Spray a pan with nonstick cooking spray for 5 to 10 seconds; saute peppers and broccoli until al dente (tender-crisp). While cooking peppers, frequently add a little water so they do not burn. Set aside. Add chicken to pan and cook until no longer pink. When chicken is done, combine with peppers and broccoli and mix well.

1 Serving with 1 Leaner Lean, 3 Greens, 2.5 Condiments and 1 Healthy Fat per Serving

First the good news, I just finished week 2 and I lost 3.2 lbs! I am so excited to see the scale going down and down. I know eventually I will hit my goal weight and what a celebration that will be. Now on to week 3 and a recipe!

The recipe I wanted to share with you today has an Asian flair and considering it only has a few ingredients, it has a lot of flavor. It could be because I marinated overnight and then some. I decided to cut the chicken breasts into small chunks and do a type of stir fry. Of course no rice, but you can shred cauliflower into small pieces and steam it.  I haven't tried it yet, but I heard it is a good substitute. The creative things people come up with! I might have to  try that. I served it with broccoli. I enjoyed this recipe, but then again I love orange flavors. Also, I cut the recipe in half for only 2 servings. Yum yum! Enjoy!

Orange Chicken

1 can diet orange soda
1/4 cup lite soy sauce (4 Condiments)
1 tablespoon teriyaki sauce (3 Condiments)
1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper (1 Condiment)
1 cloves garlic, minced (1 Condiment)
1/4 tsp ground ginger (1/2 Condiment)
32 oz raw, boneless, skinless chicken breasts - should yield 24 oz cooked (4 Leaner Leans)

Put ingredients except for chicken in gallon size Ziploc bag, mix well. Pierce chicken breasts several times with fork, put into bag and marinade several hours. Take out and bake, broil, or grill. Toss out marinade.

4 Servings with 1 Lean and 2.3 Condiments per Serving (Still need 1 Healthy Fat)

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I haven't been updating my blog lately because I have once again fell off the diet train and could not meet my weight loss goals with Weight Watchers. I re-gained the weight I had lost from Weight Watchers bringing me back to 178 lbs. Recently, I decided to try a new weight loss plan called Medifast which I have been on plan for the past week. So far I have lost 6 pounds! Yay! I have never heard of Medifast until recently, but I was introduced to it by my physician. I thought... what the heck? Why not give it a try? What do I have to lose, but pounds right? This weight loss plan is simple enough! You have five portioned controlled meals which could consist of a variety of shakes, bars, soups, puddings, brownies, oatmeals, pancakes, soft serves, cold drinks, hot drinks, and assorted snack options. There is so much to choose from and so far the food is really good! You also get to enjoy a yummy Lean and Green meal which consists of 5 to 7 oz of lean protein and 3 servings of veggies. You are basically eating every two to three hours so you are never really hungry! Their weight loss plan is almost fool proof as long as you follow their plan the way that it is intended. This is Broccoli Chicken Dijon recipe was the first recipe I tried on plan and it was pretty good! It's slightly adapted from the Medifast Lean and Green Meal Cookbook. I hope you stick around and follow me on my weight loss journey!

Broccoli Chicken Dijon

1 lb boneless skinless chicken breasts - should yield two 6 ounce servings cooked (2 Leaner)
¼ cup reduced sodium chicken broth (¼ Condiment)
1 ½ tbsp light soy sauce (1 ½ Condiment)
3 cups broccoli florets (6 Greens)
1 clove garlic, minced (1 Condiment)
2 teaspoons olive oil (2 Healthy Fats)
1 tablespoons Dijon mustard (3 Condiments)

Cut chicken into thin strips. In a bowl, coat chicken with soy sauce and set aside. (For increased flavor, marinate for at least 30 minutes.)
Saute broccoli, garlic and 1 teaspoon olive oil over medium heat until lightly browned. Remove from skillet and cover to keep warm. 
Add remaining olive oil to skillet. Stir-fry chicken 4 to 7 minutes or until cooked through. Add chicken broth and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium-low, then stir in mustard until blended. 
Return sauteed broccoli to skillet. Mix until heated through, stirring occasionally. Divide between two plates and serve.

Makes 2 Servings
Each serving provides
1 Lean, 3 Greens, 3 Condiments, and 1 Healthy Fat
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